About the SLA
Our ambition is to achieve the following outcomes over the next five years across each of the three themes through concerted ‘whole system’ approaches:
1. There is leadership and recognition amongst key stakeholders (including the public) of landscape’s many benefits and the need to protect and care for Scotland’s landscape in order to deliver them.
2. There is better integration of regulation and policy for landscape and biodiversity, recognising their mutual dependencies and co-benefits.
3. We understand, can measure and quantify landscape quality. Methods of evaluation and investment recognise the multiple contributions of landscape and biodiversity to Scotland’s economy and our cultural, social and environmental wellbeing.
4. Develop and implement an internationally recognised national statute for landscape protection which safeguards the benefits and co-benefits offered by well-managed landscapes.
5. Greater numbers of people are actively participating in landscape at all levels and are positively engaged in landscape decision-making.
6. Policies impacting on the landscape are shaped to positively contribute to the environmental, health and economic challenges of our time.
7. Land use and development planning, mechanisms and incentives are designed to maximise investment in landscape to deliver multiple benefits.
8. Urban and rural landscapes are designed and actively managed to increase resilience to environmental and health challenges.
9. Place/landscape-based decision-making informs trade-offs helping to resolve potential land use conflicts.
10. Those responsible for achieving landscape quality for resilience, health and the economy are supported and work collaboratively to take the necessary actions.
Join the SLA
The SLA will be open to any organisation or individual who commits to contributing to its aims or work. Ideally membership will span public, voluntary, community and private sector bodies.