News & Events  |  Posted October 7, 2021

2021 Event: SLA Landscape Debate on Four Current Policy Areas

7th October 2021: Online

The SLA Executive Committee are committed to keeping Scotland’s landscape community connected and updated with the work of the SLA and to engage with the new Government and others to help advance our aims set out in our call to action Landscape and Place for Success and three detailed position statements launched in 2020.

The Scotland’s Landscape Alliance hosted a debate on the draft outputs of four short term working groups and to gather SLA membership and other views to assist the Scottish Government in its plans for the following current policy opportunities.

  • 30 by 30 Targets – what does this mean for Scotland’s protected areas and the integration of landscape and biodiversity whilst tackling climate change?
  • Responding to the Social Renewable Advisory Board’s Report “If not now, when?” – how landscape can help address the issues of inequality and exclusion faced by those in our deprived communities through access to locally available, quality greenspace and green infrastructure.
  • The Draft Climate Action Plan and the Just Transition Commission’s Report– the approach to large scale landscape change from agriculture, renewables and forestry.
  • The Environment Strategy – developing landscape indicators to link to the Strategy Vision as well as our National Outcomes and the UNSDG

Each chair of the working groups presented their draft outcomes of the 4 Policy opportunities and this was followed by a facilitated debate for each of these key topic areas – you can watch the recording of the presentation of the working groups below) and the summary report of each group can be read on the publication page.

SLA Working Group 1: Key Issues Note – 30×30 Targets – 2021
SLA Working Group 2: Responding to the Social Renewal Advisory Board Findings – 2021
SLA Working Group 3: Climate Change and the Just Transitition – 2021
SLA Working Group 4: Developing Landscape Indicators – 2021