Best Practice

Claypits Park

Less than 1km from city centre, the Glasgow Canal corridor has significant potential to contribute to the regeneration of disconnected and disadvantaged communities in North Glasgow.

Less than 1km from city centre, the Glasgow Canal corridor has significant potential to contribute to the regeneration of disconnected and disadvantaged communities in North Glasgow.

Project Details

Best Practice

Sighthill TRA, Glasgow

A community and landscape infrastructure led approach to Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area for 800 new homes.

A community and landscape infrastructure led approach to Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area for 800 new homes.

Project Details

Best Practice

Glasgow Smart Canal

A new digital surface water drainage system mitigating flood risk and has enabled development land across the north of Glasgow.

A new digital surface water drainage system mitigating flood risk and has enabled development land across the north of Glasgow.

Project Details

Best Practice

Designing for a Changing Climate: Carbon Conscious Places

In 2019, Architecture & Design Scotland undertook a year of learning with four communities across Scotland into designing for a changing climate.

In 2019, Architecture & Design Scotland undertook a year of learning with four communities across Scotland into designing for a changing climate.

Project Details

Best Practice

ParkPower – Green Energy in Urban Spaces

greenspace scotland is working with a wide range of partners across the public and private sector on a Scotland-wide programme to explore the contribution that urban green and blue spaces can make to the Scottish Government’s ambitions to decarbonise the energy system.

greenspace scotland is working with a wide range of partners across the public and private sector on a Scotland-wide programme to explore the contribution that urban green and blue spaces can make to the Scottish Government’s ambitions to decarbonise the energy system.

Project Details

Best Practice

Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing – Chess moves

Real change in the lives of people living there; changes in their health, wellbeing and finances.

Real change in the lives of people living there; changes in their health, wellbeing and finances.

Project Details

Best Practice

Dunbeg, Argyll – A&DS

The project is characterised by a strategic partnership approach to delivery between Link Housing Association and Argyll & Bute Council, and a design-led approach that has been influential in procuring the housing.

The project is characterised by a strategic partnership approach to delivery between Link Housing Association and Argyll & Bute Council, and a design-led approach that has been influential in procuring the housing.

Project Details

Best Practice

West Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan

Green Infrastructure and Design First: Transition to Policy

Green Infrastructure and Design First: Transition to Policy