Best Practice

Edinburgh Thriving Green Spaces Project

A tool that can be used by the public to learn more about parks in Edinburgh as well as by Council parks staff in management and maintenance of green and blue spaces.

The Parks Green Infrastructure Mapping Project is part of the Thriving Green Spaces programme of work.  This pilot mapped parks to measure their quality considering biodiversity and health benefits, while also providing opportunities for citizens to get involved.

The pilot has developed and tested a green infrastructure mapping application in selected park sites in Edinburgh.  The application is able to provide monitoring of the location and quality of greenspaces in the city considering biodiversity and ecosystem services.  It provides an easy to use map visualisation of selected areas.

The Parks Green Infrastructure Mapping Project is led by the University of Edinburgh, and includes EDINA digital mapping experts, the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) and the School of Geosciences.

Project Details