News & Events  |  Posted July 7, 2023

Landscape Charter (2010) Update: Ministerial Support

Ministerial support in principle has been given by Mairi Gougeon, MSP for a review of Scotland’s Landscape Charter.

Support reflects significant changes in the Scottish Government’s policy environment since 2010, to highlight Scotland’s international commitment to the European Landscape Convention, and to demonstrate commitment to sensitively managing the significant landscape change needed to address the climate and nature emergencies we face.

The SLA will now work with NatureScot to help convene the diverse landscape community to shape a new vision and Charter.


Following the successful SLA event Managing Continuity and Change in Scotland’s Landscapes at the end of 2022 the Co-Chairs of Scotland’s Landscape Alliance met with the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater, and subsequently formally wrote to request support for a review of Scotland’s Landscape Charter which is currently administered by NatureScot. The letter was forwarded to Mairi Gougeon MSP who has ministerial responsibility for landscape.

NatureScot has engaged positively with the SLA and there was a lively and informed discussion at our last event  on the value of Scotland’s Landscape Charter and the merits of reviewing it to help shape future landscape ambitions (through an updated vision) and collaborative action (around a shared set of goals and commitments).

Given the importance of Scotland’s landscapes to our economy, identity, and environment the SLA and community represented at our meeting concluded that it was time to review and update Scotland’s Landscape Charter which was published in 2010. We felt this would be an excellent opportunity to consider what it has achieved and how it could achieve more especially in light of Scotland’s commitment to social justice, restoration of biodiversity and combatting climate change.