News & Events  |  Posted September 29, 2020

New Publications on Website

We are delighted to reconnect with you to share the work of Scotland’s Landscape Alliance since its launch in April 2019.

Much has happened since that date which highlights the continuing need to ensure our collective focus on the importance of landscape and place in delivering its many future benefits that are essential to Scotland’s National Outcomes and a Green Recovery.

Our Call for Action – Landscape and Place for Success highlights our Vison, recommendations for change and 10 outcomes including the ongoing  actions of the SLA and what we would like stakeholders to do to support these outcomes.

The Working Groups established at the SLA launch have developed 3 detailed Position Statements that inform our three recommendations to:-

Please read them all here.

We will be officially launching the documents at an online event on 20th October 2020 to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention and International Landscape Day. The aim is to discuss the Position Statements and begin to identify solutions for action. Please put a placeholder in your diary for 20th October and we will issue a separate invitation shortly.